The values we practice:
Accountable, ethical and transparent behavior
- Providing complainants and public servants with detailed information on how we carry out our responsibilities and on the outcomes of our actions
- Accepting responsibility for the impact of our actions and decisions
Principles of fair process
- Avoiding bias and theappearance of bias when investigating and resolving conflicts
- Providing reasonable notice of allegations and giving people enough time to respond to them
- Speaking in plain language and explaining processes clearly
- Listening actively and attentively to all points of view
Value difference and show respect
- Focusing on the issues being presented regardless of a person’s behavior
- Refusing to label people or discriminate
- Ensuring that communication materials reflect the diversity and socio-economic realities of the city’s residents
Ensure full access to service
- Adjusting and offering service options to accommodate individual needs
- Using locations that are accessible and barrier-free
- Providing practical referrals and options for service